Expanding Our FREE Neurodiversity Lanyard and Buttons’ Reach: New Distribution Partners

Talos Foundation was founded by transforming the anger and frustration of a mother of a neurodivergent child into positive action for her son and society.  Our FREE lanyards and buttons empower neurodivergent individuals, their caregivers, and allies to self-identify and effectively diffuse misunderstandings and biases. We have proudly distributed over 12,000 neurodiversity and inclusion lanyards, buttons, and stickers across more than 30 locations in Hong Kong, thanks to our corporate and individual partners. And we are proud to be making an impact in Hong Kong and beyond.

We’re thrilled to welcome Museum Cafe 8, Jockey Club Sarah Roe School, Watchdog Early Education Centre, and Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong as our newest distribution partners in promoting neurodiversity inclusion in Hong Kong!

Locations for our distribution points can be found on our website here.

How can you help?

Become a distribution partner by contacting [email protected] , or donate to help us provide more lanyards and buttons. For every HK$100 you donate, you sponsor 10-20 lanyards or buttons and change lives.